Helping a Government Department to Understand the Future of Work

Client: Government Department


forward thinking inc were commissioned by a Government department to consider the impact of different scenarios on the future of work and its physical setting.

We worked within a framework set by the client and focused on using an informed approach to envision how corporates, their strategy and their human resources may evolve in the future.


DESK RESEARCH & SCENARIO ANALYSIS: We ensured that our team analysed and familiarised themselves with the knowledge base that underpinned the four broad scenarios provided by the client. Within this framework, we conducted extensive desk research around relevant trends and external opinions of potential future scenarios for the world of work.

EXPERT INTERVIEWS: We assembled a panel of experts along with corporate strategists, journalists, academics and designers.

INTERNAL WORKSHOPS: Through a series of internal workshops and brainstorming meetings within forward thinking inc, some including selected clients, we developed and honed our visions of the future of work. The scenarios were then refined and applied to the client’s framework to produce three visions into the future of the workplace.

SCENARIOS BROUGHT TO LIFE: We illustrated each scenario, bringing to life the future contrasts in work styles and the implications.


A document distilling the key ideas and visions of the future that highlighted key choices in the way that organisations maximise the productivity of their workforce and plan for future sustainability challenges.

The material was presented at a major business event and was subsequently presented at a cross-departmental Government session. It received national press coverage.


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