Strategic Alka-Seltzer

Our experience over many years with all kinds of clients is that successful organisations need real clarity of direction. Without it they are rudderless and lack ‘zip’. A simple plan which makes priorities apparent, guides focus choices, informs resource allocation decisions and gives the whole organisation a palpable and enjoyable energy. Everyone knows where they are going and understands the importance of their own contribution. These are effervescent places to work.

A good strategic plan can be summed up on one page, something easy to understand and motivating to everyone in the organisation. Surprisingly such plans are quite rare.

As the New Year unfolds, most organisations would benefit from some strategic Alka-Seltzer. Clarifying and consolidating the key principles of strategy and the organisation’s plans and priorities for execution. Without it people just stumble back into the day-to-day habits of problem solving and reactive behaviour. A simple invigorating plan imaginatively communicated will unite the Executive Board in a common sense of purpose and act as a tonic for everyone in the organisation.

Think of it as an Alka-Seltzer for your business after a challenging 2021 and reach for the ‘plink plink... fizz!’


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